

I just want to know if anyone is in the same situation as me as far as losing weight goes. I've been finding myself to be 100% unable to resist food which of course the 2 particular reasons I have that make me feel like a bottomless pit are birth control pill hormones and the fact I do smoke weed at night. Mainly to get relaxed enough to sleep through the night undisturbed. I've come to accept that in my situation we are not really ready for a baby and I won't be stopping birth control soon and I also really need my undisturbed sleep (and yes of course I realize this can be accomplished many other ways that don't make you hungry but this way is most effective) so I really won't be willing to stop smoking weed either. My question is if there are any of you girls out there that smoke and take the pill that have found a way to lose the weight they might have put on as a result of their circumstances? I'm open to all suggestions but like I said I won't be changing the birth control or smoking situation. I need a work around all of this whatever it takes within reason of what I can do about keeping my hunger away or dieting in a particular fashion? I know all bodies are different and react differently to diets and nothing is really simple when it comes to varying ways to do things but what can I try to do about this issue?