Nurse went dad mode lol


So I went to the ER today because, well because of pain. Yesterday I went and saw my gynecologist and found out my ovarian cyst bursted and I bled out into my gut.

He offered me surgery to suction out all of the blood, but I said no. Because as long as my body is trying to take care of itself, I don’t want to have it cut open.

I went to the ER today because I woke up to my pain enhanced by a million and couldn’t handle it. They did all of the tests my gyno did plus a few blood tests, They didn’t want to do surgery on me. So they shot me up with morphine and sent me home with painkillers and now I’m able to eat and breathe without being in agony.

The triage nurse welcomed me in and their day-from what I saw, was hell.

There’s people coming in on stretchers with crushed body parts and they are flying around like crazy and then I come in like “hey” pfft. and hes like “what’s going on.”

I told him that my cyst ruptured and how I’m in pain and he looked at me and said “oh wow. That same thing happened to my daughter when she was 13 and we were on a Cruise. That pain isn’t a joke.” And I said “yeah I know, I handle pain so different than normal. I don’t scream and cry, I shut down.” And he said “we were just standing there and she fell to the ground and started screaming bloody murder. I thought her appendix had ruptured and it gave me a good scare.” His whole demeanor changed.

From then on he was like.. flying all over this ER, getting people into rooms and working his butt literally off but would still stop by and sit a warm blanket on me, when my blanket would get cold he would bring me another one because they felt so good to have on my stomach.

I had a vaginal ultrasound done and when it was over I started bleeding? And I didn’t have a pad and didn’t want to bleed on the hospital so I told him and he brought me a pad and made extra effort into being secretive about it🤣 like I’m grown and don’t care if the lady sitting next to me knows I have a period but this dude is obviously some girls dad and he knows what to do lmfao

Added: I was on morphine yesterday and completely forgot that he did this, but when I’m in ALOT of pain I do stupid crap. He sent me to get a pee sample so I pee in the cup and set it in the little door and I go to wash my hands and I manage to spray myself with the faucet? Apparently it’s broken and a lot of people do that but I got it EVERYWHERE. So I clean up the mess and I walk back out SOAKED from it and he’s like “I’m gonna get you a paper shirt.” And so he unhooked me from my iv (I was on fluids and they were giving me toridol through the IV too) and I had my aunt help me change my shirt and that was the first time I got a blanket. He stopped by to hook my IV back up and gave me a blanket too. And a dry shirt 😭😭 nice dude I tell you

It was adorable to me. No he was not being creepy. He reminded me of all of my friends dads. He was literally going out of his way to make sure I was okay and there was some sort of accident and people coming in with crushed and bleeding limbs and all orthopedic and plastic surgeons were in the ER finding people themselves and helping them because there weren’t enough rooms or enough staff. The doctors took these people to their own realms to help the ER. I wasn’t in a room yet either, I was sitting on a chair in the hallway and this man was still helping me. Whenever I go to an ER and clearly I am not the priority patient I am okay with it and start to plan to wait for someone to pay attention to me until they have time. So this was very appreciated and I let him know that too.