Confused 🤷🏽‍♀️


Hi everyone! I’m new to this and don’t really partake in stuff like this cause I like keeping my

personal life just that, but in recent events, I need some help/insight on some things. So, jumping right in. So, my partner and I had sex on the 5th and 10th of this month and according to my health apps I was in my fertile window. Now, I’m usually not one to take these things to be very accurate. Yet, my curiosity got the best of me so I decided to buy the Clear Blue Digital Ovulation Tests. I started testing on the 8th because my fertile window had supposedly started on the 6th. The test on the 8th and 9th both had no LH hormones detected. I was meaning to take the other on on the 10th, but ended up forgetting and since the day had came and went I just decided to test again the next day, which was the 11th around the same time of 1:30am. I waited the 5 mins and low and behold, a smiley face appeared indicating that I was at my peak (meaning a high LH surge was found). Fast forward, I test again on the 12th at the same time (because it’s suppose to detect my two most fertile days) and what do we have? 🤔 That’s right! Another smiley face 😂 Now I’m looking 👀 slow because remember y’all, I had sex on the 5th and 10th and he shot the club up both times and didn’t miss not one spot 🤦🏽‍♀️😭 Fast forward to last week, my apps tell me that I’m suppose to start my cycle on the 25th and let’s just say that didn’t happen. Now my apps are like I’m 2 days late. Panic mode! 😩 Now here’s where it gets tricky. Saturday I wake up to get ready for work around 6am. Before I start to get ready I do my usual bid and tinkle. Now when I wipe I feel a sharp ass pain and when I look at the tissue I see pinkish reddish brownish blood. So I think 💭 hey! Guess who decided to rear her ugly head all late and with a hard vengeance 😭 All day I’m having spotting with a medium heavy like flow with pains and when I go to the bathroom it’ll be heavy dark red blood one min, pinkish reddish brown the next or none at all. Sunday it’s the same thing as well as Monday. Come Tuesday the pain is gone and so is the bleeding and spotting. Now my cycle usually lasts 4 days or 5 max, which makes everything about this unusual as well. Can someone please give me a clue as to what could possibly had happened or be going on because I’m starting to feel like this wasn’t a cycle at all. Also, I’ve been having hot flashes, feeling nauseous, and my abdomen has been feeling tight in the middle and on my left hand side. Please help me! 😩😭