Breastfeeding & giving formula

Hey mamas,

So my daughter is 7 weeks now & I had decided to exclusively breastfeed however, when my baby was born we had some trouble with latching and honestly, I still do sometimes. I think she has a shallow latch but I also have big nipples & areolae. My mother and grandmother keep insisting I supplement with formula but I just think my breast milk is the healthiest choice for her because I have tried 3 different powder formulas: Enfamil gentlease, a clean ingredient all organic formula “Baby’s Only Sensitive” (formerly LactoRelief) & Enfamil AR. All of which my baby projectile vomited and became constipated with. I think she has a sensitive tummy which is why I tried those formulas. When I first came home from the hospital, it was so painful to nurse that I would cry while feeding her. My grandma insisted I give her the emergency bottles that were sent with us from the hospital (Similac) but she threw up with those too. The only formula she seemed ok with was Similac Soy Isomil liquid form. I’m not sure if the liquid formula is better than powder but she didn’t vomit or become constipated. Her poops were also still mustard yellow with the Similac Soy formula. I had decided to only breastfeed because I had heard it was the best thing for babies since it doesn’t have “toxic” ingredients like formula. But I also have tried the clean ingredient formula which she didn’t like. So now I’m wondering if I should give the soy formula because I also have heard that soy can have adverse affects on growing babies such as female infertility and so on. I’m sorry to sound so picky but I just want what’s best for my baby like every other parent does. The reason I want to find a formula that she likes is because my grandma and mom make me feel really bad about my baby by saying she doesn’t get full when I nurse her. She cries a lot and I don’t think she has colic but she likes to comfort nurse a lot. She just stays on breast and falls asleep, or is awake but she wants it in her mouth. The only way she stops crying is if I latch her. And she doesn’t just cry, she SCREAMS as if she’s being hurt. She doesn’t take any pacifiers but she uses my nipple as one. I’m starting to get worried that maybe she doesn’t eat enough with is why she wants to be on my breast all day but it also makes my nipples very sore and tender. Any recommendations on good formulas for sensitive babies? My baby does have a lot of gas too. Thank you all so much in advance