Waiting to test but maybe having symptoms

From what I’ve looked up, most of the sites says the earliest I can test, would be on the 8th.

I have a 2 year old, and my earliest symptom when I was pregnant with him, was me dozing off. I would be at the kitchen table scrolling through Pinterest and next thing I know, I was face down on the keyboard in a puddle of drool. I quit testing years before that because I assumed I wasn’t ever going to be blessed with a child, but then that month I was randomly dozing off, and I never even took naps during the day no matter how tired I was. That prompted me to test. I didn’t think I was pregnant and thought something was seriously wrong with me. But then those lines appeared. Never thought I’d actually get to be a mom. I’m still in shock two years later. ❤️

Well, for the last two days, I’ve been dozing off. Like today, I was sitting up on the couch, typing a post on Facebook and halfway through typing, I dozed off. I’m only cycle day 25. And I am approx. either 9 or 10 dpo. I tested a couple days ago and it was negative of course lol.

I’ve also been feeling mild waves of nausea and hunger.

When do you all think would the earliest I could test?

Should I wait until the 8th? Or go buy two more tests and test Sunday and then again on the 8th?