9mo self weaning?

My son abruptly decided last night he will no longer latch. I can’t even get him close without his pushing back from me screaming.

He’s been teething the last 2 nights. The night before last, he nursed no problem but was fussy. Yesterday he nursed all day no problem then all of a sudden bedtime he refuses.

Last night I offered bottles because he was inconsolable even after giving Tylenol & orajel. But he will not latch today. That’s the first time he’s taken a bottle willingly too. He HATED them. If I tried to get dad to do a feed he’d scream & smack the bottle away.

I would continue to pump but I don’t get as much out. Only a few ozs. & he likes to eat. I also never feel empty so I am only comfortable for short periods of time before I feel full again after pumping

Is this him weaning? I’ve tried not offering bottles or anything today but it’s 10:30am here, he’s been up for 2h, hasn’t eaten since 5am & still won’t nurse.