
So I’m going to the doctor Monday to take blood and then Friday will be when I get my follow up to speak about whatever comes up. I’ve been feeling so fatigued the past couple of weeks. My body hurts and feels weak, one side of my neck hurts to touch, shoulders hurt, headaches, whenever I lift my arms they hurt and feel to heavy. My throat feels swollen but it’s not. Neck hurts. Have little appetite but super hungry all the time. I can’t get myself to drink a lot of water or fluids. I also was having shortness of breath a couple days ago they did an ekg it was normal. But I’m still having random chest pain and I feel like there’s a weight on my chest and like my throat is tight. I’m like almost positive this is an infection. I had the same problems weeks ago and thought it was from my wisdom teeth and when to urgent care and they only tested me for mono which was negative. But they gave me amoxicillin just in case it was an infection. I stopped taking it when I had 3 pills left because I didn’t feel right (chest pains.) I actually started to feel better. But now it’s happening again. Friday seems so far away has anyone ever experience this and it turned out to be an infection? I’ve been so depressed lately thinking somethings seriously wrong with me. I have a daughter to take care of and it’s so hard when I feel weak and in pain 24/7