BIL just invited us to a house party

Ugh so my BIL just invited us to a house party next weekend.

Our province is just getting into the third wave and social gatherings are still not allowed. He referred to the pandemic as a “scamdemic”

I haven’t gotten to speak with my husband about this yet as he went to bed before I saw the invite. My SIL was also invited and she is the caregiver to our 2 kids while we are at work during the weekdays. So I’m a little worried that if she ends up going that could be putting my kids at risk of contracting covid. Am I over reacting? If we were not in a pandemic I would be thrilled to go to this party and have a night off from parenting. But because we are in a pandemic I just don’t think it’s wise to be going to a house party. Especially since they are saying this variant is hitting younger people harder and the fine for being caught is a hefty $1200. Something I definitely don’t have so it’s not worth it. I’m worried that my husband is going to still go. He has this “I’ll do whatever I can any and you can’t tell me otherwise” type of personality so I’m not sure I could even convince him. I’m hoping he has some common sense and sees how dumb of an idea this is.