**Update** Help!!


**I just found out I miscarried. My hcg was 4. This makes 4 miscarriages in a row. 5 total. I’m lost.

I’ve had very faint positives for about a week now. I ovulated a week early (CD 9) and so I have no idea when my period was supposed to come. I’m about 16 dpo and have been on progesterone suppositories since a week after I ovulated. Today I tested 3 tests with the same FMU and got 1 positive digital, one positive pink dye and a negative digital. Shouldn’t I be far enough along by now that my lines should be getting darker and the digitals all be positive? This is my 6th pregnancy. 4 of which ended in miscarriage. 3 of them being in 2020 alone. We have been trying for baby #2 for a year. What is happening??

I’ve had genetic testing, clotting factors and an HSG done. Everything says normal. I’m waiting for my OB to get back to me with requisitions for blood work but I’m going crazy!

Does this negative digital mean I’m not producing hcg fast enough? Has anyone had similar experiences and still had success?