Depression sucks

I went through some things my husband passed away and I was left alone I remember my baby at two years old mommy it's time to wake up, mommy it's time to make breakfast I'm hungry, at three years old mom get up it's time to wake up let's have a good day let's play. At four mom I love you let's make cookies, let's play together let's go to a park

Now at five alarm wakes me up I take baby to school and I go back to bed from seven I wake up at eight say it's not a good time to wake up the clock gets later sometimes I sleep in until one good day its at ten am I think back to my child how my baby would wake me up get me out of bed each morning and now I have to motivate myself for school hours.

I'm a stay at home mom I have the savings money from my years my husband and I worked and his savings it's so hard you guys I see families and I think that should have been us a father a husband.

I don't get out of the house much I've been thinking about moving starting over but I don't know what state city is good to live in raise children

How have any of you let go let sadness go let grief go let questions go

I blamed myself, I'm looking back remember how drained energy I was how I felt like bricks weighed me down I didn't want to play I just wanted to sleep I regret it I remember how special it was from being an infant to those special moments at two years old holding my hand and those little fingers little feet to reading and potty training and learning how to dress learning words now my child can entertain themself and dress them self I think back and say I should have done better but I was too focused on the grief the loss to move on and I'm asking if any mother has pushed onwards how?

How did you move forward

How do you find happiness as a women and as a mother what is your day like your schedule