Chasing ducks for Easter


While everyone was collecting eggs, my bug was chasing ducks. He cried when they ran, he didnt care if they tried to attack him, twice my mom grabbed him and ran. But he still cried and faught her to go back. Lol. He has never walked outside as for some reason, he hates to touch the dirt but he walked a km chasing ducks, swans and all the birds at the lake. He even tried to go into the late. Cried bloody murder wondering why we couldnt let him. I think he confused it for the tub at home. Like no one swims in there!!! Lol did i mention it was freezing?

Only a cow-baloon got him to forget the ducks.

All in all it was a great easter and a wonderful wedding anniversary. Here are some photos. He was so excited and nothing makes me happier than seeing him happy.

We didnt do our easter egg hunt. It is snowing today!!! April weather.