3 year old not eating


Please tell me I am not the only one. My daughter will be 3 in May and ever since she was a baby She has refused to eat. She hated purees at 6 months old and up. She also refused solids. so she was strictly on formula until she was 12 months old. After 12 months old, her pedi transitioned her to a toddler formula since she still was not eating a well balanced meal. That lasted till about 15 months old. By the time she turned 2 she was finally eating solids but only specific foods (chicken nuggets, French fries, spaghetti, yogurt, anything with cheese). She would refused anything else even after presenting it to her a thousand times or she simply just wouldn’t eat at all. She’s almost 3 and I’m still dealing with this same freaking issue and I’m not sure what to do at this point. There are days she will have zero meals and maybe just a few snacks. I’ve spoken to her doctor about this plenty of times and even spoke to a dietician and nothing has helped. Her lab results are normal. I’m just not sure what is going on. Has anyone dealt with a selective eater like this from 6 months of age?! She’s only 25 pounds at the age of 3. I want to cry because I’m literally so frustrated. I even leave her plate out in case she wants to return to it later but nope nothing but me constantly wasting food.