Embryo grading results :(


Last week I had my first egg retrieval. I went in so hopeful and excited. I was a little overstimulated and had some hyperstimulation but nothing too major. We retrieved 40 eggs. 12 fertilized and 6 made it to freezing. I was a little discouraged by the number. What happened to all my other eggs? I called to get some answers plus the grading on what was frozen. There was 15 mature eggs that just didn’t fertilize and they have no notes on what happened to them. No explanation, nothing. It sounds a little fishy too me. Like were those separated in a different dish that got lost or forgotten? Everything else has detailed notes on them including the 13 bad ones. On top of it I’m so upset over the grading of my embryos and I don’t know what to think. I’ve almost lost all hope that there will be any success with this cycle. Looking for some advice or stories of hope.

My gradings are

4 -day 5





2 -day 6



They have their own grading so there is nothing on google to fully explain what their grading is but the Gardner grading method is the closest to theirs. I know most clinics don’t use C’s but this clinic gives them a chance. They would never freeze two C’s like a 7CC would have never made it. But I’m still wondering what kind of chance would my 5CB, 6CB and 7CB have? Even the 7BC ... I’m heartbroken for them and so upset my results were not better than this. I’ve read some articles that say grading doesn’t matter and it’s just a “beauty contest”. Others that say grading does matter and poor gradings have less of a chance of being successful and implanting. Has anyone had anything similar and had a successful pregnancy?