Period and breastfeeding

Hey all, my period came back around 10 months post partum and has actually been pretty consistent every month since it returning, my cycles have been about 26-27 days, well last period/cycle came early at 25 days, which i feel wasn't that abnormal but i also bled for 8 days, when i normal only bleed 6-7 days. i was expecting my period on cycle day 26-27 and it's day 30 and still hasn't shown itself. I'm not pregnant, we didn't have sex that much this month and it was protected. Idk if i should be worried or just let nature take its course and it comes when it comes. i'm also still breastfeeding at 18 months so idk if that had anything to do with it. This month i had some random vaginal itching and burning but no discharge and it eventually went away but then my clit started hurting to touch, for a couple days. All of this had went away and now i feel normal. I don't know what to think!