So I’m in a awkward situation and I don’t know where else to go to so here I am. I got married at the age of 19 to my wife who was 18 at the time and we’ve been married for almost two years now and just about 5 months ago our son was born. Personally I know I’m not a perfect husband And I know me and my wife had our ups and downs where majority of the time I was wrong I’ve done some bad things in my past but I still try my best to support my wife and to be a better husband just saw that our son can go up and understand when he’s older how to be a good man. me and my in-laws do not get along and I personally don’t like them because of some stuff that has happened in the past but I will get into that on another day but the situation I am currently in is it really bothering me and I need some advice about it P.S. im sorry for the long intro I’m not used to telling strangers about my problems. Fast forward now my sister-in-law had this boyfriend that had caught and gave her covid. (Side note: everyone want her to leave him prior to this because he was younger than her and he wasn’t treating her with the respect she deserves I.e. cheating, making her skip out on her family events, to sit up in a hotel and do nothing). After they found out they had covid they isolated for two weeks. After that everyone told her to stay away from him for 2 more week to make sure she doesn’t catch it again so she can see her nephew ( aka our son). So she did that or so she claimed. This all happened around December and now they are broken up. Fast forward now, I’m driving home from work and I’m on the phone with her and she tells me that her sister did something and she doesn’t want to tell me over the phone cuz I’ll get mad at her. When I get home she tells me that the whole time that her sister was supposed to be staying away from the boy she was still hangout with him and during that time his brother gave him covid but apparently it was a strain of covid that wasn’t contagious. So basically she was lying about staying away from him and seeing our newborn son as if she wasn’t exposed to covid. She made me promise not to say anything to her because it would cause problems and basically not be upset at her but it’s hard giving the fact that she lied about it.

I honestly apologize for the long a** story but I really couldn’t hold this one in and I need some advice, i don’t know if I should confront her without tell my wife or if I should leave it alone.