Easy@home test evap lines?


Has anyone had any experience with evap lines using easy@home pregnancy tests? I’ve used them for 3 cycles and basically go through a box of 20 in every cycle (serious peeing on stick addiction!) and have never had any evap lines. I’ve had negatives the last few days then took another one earlier and checked it after a few minutes but couldn’t see anything so left it sitting out. It’s been hours later and I’ve gone to put it away and there’s a vfl on it. I’ve compared it to others over the last few days and it’s the only one that’s had anything appear on it. This is the first cycle in 5 months I haven’t tracked with OPKs because I was trying to take the chilled approach and go with the flow instead of tracking so I have no idea how many DPO I am but the apps estimate me at 11/12dpo but every cycle my ovulation after last period has been different so I could literally be anything!

The bottom test is the test I had taken earlier tonight. Is this just a one off evap line?
