Becoming a Mother- Without my mother ☹️

J • Having a baby BOY!!!! 💕🥰💯 Due September 30th, 2021 افتح فمك فقط إن كان ما ستقوله أجمل من الصمت

My mother was killed in a car accident when I was 12 years old... I’m 24 now- at this point I have spent just as many years without my mother as I got with her. I’m having a baby boy and I feel so so lost. I’m 16 weeks tomorrow and I’m absolutely heartbroken. I can’t help but think when he comes into this world it will be without her by my side... and when I get to introduce my son to his grandma it will be to a grave stone. My heart is completely shattered and my husband is so amazing but I still feel completely alone without her... I also lost my little brother in 2018 after he was killed... He was the last piece of her I had... I’m so lost. I’m so afraid that I won’t be a good mother even though I love my son more than anything even now. I always have questions but no one to go to. I’m grateful for my OB and this App... if anyone is going through this please share ways you’ve helped get through it. I need it so desperately.