20 week ultrasound


I had my anatomy scan done today and for the most part, everything went great. They confirmed my blood test was correct, I am having a baby boy. He is right on track whe it comes to his height and weight. The only thing that they were concerned about was that they had an image of the heart they weren’t able to get. The Sonographer told the midwife she thought the babies aorta might have looked enlarged, but couldn’t say for sure without the additional view she was unable to get. They are referring me to a specialist so I can have a higher level ultrasound done and that they have sonographer’s who are trained more extensively than the ones at my doctors office. They said at this point I shouldn’t have anything to worry about and that it’s not uncommon for women to have to have another scan done, especially women who have higher risk pregnancies. I’m wondering if anyone has gone through the same thing or something similar? Even though she said right now it’s nothing to be concerned about, I’m scared shitless. I just want my baby to be healthy. It was hard even listening to anything else she said during the appointment because I just couldn’t focus on anything else.