Can't be in my own home

This is long so bare with me

My partners sons mum is the worst mum you'll ever meet now usually I won't ever say this about a mother but I'll let you judge

She leaves her children with a 17 year old for days on end to go to her boyfriends which is over half hour away to drink and do drugs, she makes any excuse she can to make sure someone has the children so she doesnt have too, she's told my partner her daughter is his this caused so many problems in our relationship he dine a dna test and it turns out she isn't so she had been lying to him for 2 years about it, she smokes weed up in her bedroom making her 10 year old son watch his 2 year old sister, she spends the money she gets for the kids on herself and drugs, doesn't buy them food or clothes nothing, they don't get bathed and they're covered in nits. She's also stolen her 10 year old phone from him because hers broke (he uses for games and to talk to his dad)

Shes been gone 5 days so far no one can get hold of her last time was 10 days so they're once again all staying with me in a 2 bed flat, I have two children myself so there's 6 of us here there's no room what's so ever there's 4 of us in one room myself my partner the 2 year old and my 11 month old and my son and his son in my sons room, I dont know why but the longer they stay here the more unhappy and miserable I get, I feel like it's not my home anymore I'm finding every excuse to go out because I can't be here I so stressful I'm also having tests to confirm having MS he doesnt understand how stressed I get and gets very annoyed with Me because I'm getting unhappy by the day.. hes told me he's not taking them back to their mother hes keeping them now and is expecting them to live here!! Hes all about them two so my youngest doesn't get a look in with his own dad so my 11 month old is pretty much nothing to him when he has them I just can't do it anymore I know I have have think about my mental health and my boys but I also can't kick all three out of the street 😔😭


No this is my place I'm in a council place and it's just me an my two boys on the tenancy he just says here from time to time, I dont care that he wants to still be there for the girl but its how he is he wont bother with our son anymore now they're around and he so horrible to my son and tells him off and can be quite rough and hates when I tell him to never touch my son like that again but he refuses to tell the other two off when they're being horrible or doing something they shouldn't, my son has aspgers/ADHD so he struggles with alot especially having someone else in his space so it's not just me who's struggling, my partner is a great guy and has such a good heart I dont ever doubt that but he takes everything out on me and my son and doesn't bother with our son anymore like he doesnt exist, he'll scream and cry when he wants his daddy but he takes no notice and ignores him, he's expecting them to live here in a 2 bed flat thats not big enough for 6 but hes rather have ago at me then talk to me, I do absolutely everything for my two boys yet he says he loves all his kids but is treating the baby as if he weren't here

**edit 2*

I dont have an issue with the kids being here but I only have a small 2 bed flat there's barely any room here for 3 of us and my eldest son has aspergers/adhd I also have to think about my own kids in this and he cannot stand change I've tried to explain to him they'll be staying here for a while but how can you expect a 5 year old to understand when all he's known is that his bedroom is his bedroom, it's stressful enough not having the room here for everyone so we're all on top of each other toes not once did I say I dont want them here I'd rather they were here so I know they're looked after and treated better but I also have my own issues which my partner disregards I in an out of hospital quite a but at the moment for loads of different tests for myself, plus for my 5 year old fornhis adhd/aspersions tests as they want to get more done for him, you can say my partner is a good day and in some respects he is but if he was that great why would he point blank ignore his 11 month old son just because his other son and his sister are here