Tips and tricks please!

My OB will be inducing me with baby number 2 at 38.5 weeks and will try and do a membrane sweep at 38 weeks if im dialated. I have GD again and my son was stuck and came out quite stunned weighing 8lbs 7oz. We are inducing earlier to try and prevent this as i was induced with my first and he was born at 39 weeks 3 days. I know baby will come when he is ready (we found out its another boy 😊), but im wondering what everyone may have done to help their body prep for labour and maybe help bring along contractions. Ive heard the most common, walking, dates, red raspberry leaf tea, bouncing on the ball, squatting, sex, pumping, but just wondering what others have done that they believed truly helped. Also when you started doing the things to help.