Missing fingers

So I had my 16 week anatomy ultrasound yesterday and a doctor who I’ve never seen came in because my original doctor was out of town. He comes in and begins to tell me how my baby is abnormal and that her one hand is only showing 3 fingers. He continued to tell me how I should terminate her immediately and that I’m still early so it doesn’t matter. The fact someone could be so cruel when I see her heartbeat see her moving and being so active and healthy, this guy broke my heart telling me my only option was to terminate the one thing I’ve grown to love more than words can even explain. I don’t know what to do or who to talk to, some advice or inspiring words could really help right now I’ve been so depressed I can barely leave bed I feel like I have failed as a mother and it’s just heartbreaking. Please if you have any stories share them I need some cheering up:( praying for my rainbow baby