
Im confused if im late for my period or if they are finally over with. My periods actually last for random number of days but have been coming in the same time frame apart. I got my mirena mid August of 2020 7 weeks after I had my 4th baby. I didn't start tracking my period until November but I don't have the record of it because my phone crashed so I just have from December to now, I had 15 days between November and December, I had 14 days between December and januarys period, and another 14 days between January and Februarys period, and 16 days between February and March period and ended my March period on the 31st, we had sex April 5th and I bled for 3 days after that and my period was due yesterday or today and there is no sign of it so now I'm wondering if I missed it, if its late or if they are officially gone. Im freaking out because I don't normally bleed after sex, matter of fact I don't think I ever have and if I have its been so long ago I don't remember it. Has anyone else been through this?