Lets pray for each other- Baby dust to everyone


This was my first cycle with Climid(50mg) + Ovidrel. I have been testing it out and I think it’s finally out at 11dpt, I’m 9-10dpo. I feel cramping like AF cramps but I am putting all my trust in God.

In honesty, I never thought TTC was this hard till I got into it. It is one of the hardest things anyone can face. We had our first so easily, same month of our wedding, first try. We knew we were blessed , we thanked God but we did not realize how much maybe did not thank God enough because we thought it was easy. I have read so many people’s stories on this platform and I cannot imagine what each person is going through. I made it my prime aim to pray for all the ladies here TTC every time I pray. The Lord is your strength. One of the greatest things we can do for each is PRAY. Let us pray for each other and we will see God working miracles in our lives.

Praying God answers all our prayers and grants us our wishes- 🌈 babies .Love to everyone