Awful indent w/ easy@home pregnancy test


Has anyone else gotten really bad indents with easy@home pregnancy tests? I got a couple really bad indents with these (pictures below) and just wanted to warn others. I tested at 11-13 dpo, all negatives. At 14dpo and 15 dpo, I got a faint line. I was 3 days late for AF and was getting more excited that it was actually positive. I was going to take another one this morning and low and behold, AF arrived 😢 is pregmate any better? Any other brands? Kind of tempted to throw out all the other easy@homes I have since I don’t want to keep playing mind games. Sending baby dust to all of you!! ❤️

Update: I have been talking with my doctor and telling her everything that’s happened over the last week. She said she believes it was a chemical pregnancy. My apologies for posting what actually were positive tests in this group. I truly didn’t mean to offend anyone!! I thought they were indents 😢