Exposing pregnancy

Sumayyah • GOD 1ST❤️🙏🏻, Angel Mommy to a baby boy named Adonis Asher Jackson❤️👶🏻 06/07/17❤️ Mommy to a rainbow baby named Micah Ibrihim💙🥰 Pregnant and expecting twins September 2021❤️
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So personally, I don’t like exposing my pregnancy public on my main social media because I have all locals as friends and just like to be secretive, or not secretive but private more than anything. It’s not easy for me to do so either because my first pregnancy ended in still birth at 22 weeks. I had a full term baby after and now having twins, will be 20 weeks tomorrow, but that fear lives with me. I believe in God, YES, for sure, but I also just feel like people don’t have good intentions and wish bad on other people judt because they don’t like them. Idk. I just hate exposing my pregnancies. With my second pregnancy, I didn’t expose it because I just wanted to stay private. Do you guys feel comfortable exposing your pregnancy? I was gonna do an announcement today since I had the anatomy scan, confirming 2 girls.

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