Embarrassing please don’t be mean to me.

**possible TMI**

I was an overweight child and teen and ended up having gastric bypass surgery in 2018. Fast forward to now I’m 250lbs down and pregnant!

But part of my overweight life was my big legs rubbing together and I have like maybe black heads or something between my thighs and I just am so embarrassed and want to get rid of them before my babies birth... any ideas or anything? Thank you :(

I wear jeans Monday-Friday (mandatory I’m a preschool teacher)

And usually leggings on the weekends if not pajama pants (loose) or shorts (loose sleeping fabric)

Thanks in advance. 💕

Thank you everyone! & yes I’ll be going to see someone, it’s not a lot and no one cares, my baby daddy doesn’t notice them, but I do and it makes me so insecure just because I’ve been insecure my entire life, it’s just almost a trauma response to being made fun of for things or just being so embarrassed of myself and feeling like everyone is judging me and secretly talking about me.