Plan for TTC ❤️


Hey Hey i'm 18 and my partner is 21. We've been together for almost 2 years and we want to have baby #1 soon but not TOO soon. We know we'll have to wait at least another 2-3 years before we'll be ready but idk what we should be doing in the meantime.

Right now, we're both working and looking for apartments. He has a car and i'm saving up for mine. We also are entrepreneurs.. i have a business and he does as well, both business make pretty good money and can be done from home so that'll be good for when we're ready for baby 💕.

How exactly do you financially prepare for a baby? I know it's expensive and ik it's mentally draining, i've basically already raised a child...but my parents were HORRIBLE at saving money and i dont want that for my family. So where do i start years down the line? is it too early to be worried about it? I want to be a "young" parent because i want a few kids but i dont want them to be too close together or too far apart and i dont want me and my partner to be old grandparents😂.