ham • US Army’s best kept secret

i need help finding a pattern i’ve been looking YEARS for.

(some backstory: my grandma learned how to crochet after she broke both of her arms, this blanket is one of the first things she made for my dad while her arms were in casts. so my dad and his siblings grew up with this blanket, me and all my siblings grew up with this blanket. it’s very well loved and needs a little TLC before my children grow up with it as there’s now pieces missing and some that are torn beyond repair.. she unfortunately is no longer with us so i can’t ask her for the pattern and my mother has no idea how to make the flowers. i’ve been looking for this pattern since i was 10yrs old and only found someone make something similar once but when i asked for the pattern or at least the name she blocked me :/)

the front of the flowers

the back

the orange parts are like bubbles? if that makes sense,, they’re not flat, and i don’t think she used a magic circle for the yellow center (i think she made a circle and then stitched inside it), the colored part is definitely a triple crochet lol

please someone tell me they’ve seen/know what pattern this is 😭😭