Engaged at 19 and 22!

Tia 💗

My fiancé and I are long-distance (I live in the UK and he lives in Germany) and I was able to visit him last month when... HE PROPOSED! It was planned though, I just didn’t know WHEN or HOW! Basically, were walking through a park and we were sitting on a bench. I was getting a bit hungry and also fiancé is a bit of a hermit so he doesn’t like to be out and about for too long or else he gets a bit overwhelmed. I asked him if he wanted to move on and get lunch, when surprisingly he said that he wanted to stay a bit longer to look at the flowers (they were pansies). As we walked up them and I was looking at them, he pointed out a really droopy and sad one and proclaimed “this is me without you, which is why...”, he got on one knee and got out the ring, “will you marry me?” 🥺 I SAID YES!

We’re hoping to move in together soon and start planning our wedding (but sadly due to Brexit it’ll be difficult for me to move to Germany as I need a visa) so we’re under a bit of stress about all that jazz.

Anyway, I just wanted to show off my absolutely gorgeous aquamarine engagement ring! We’re so happy, and so excited for our future together! 💍🤍