
About 2-3 years ago I started getting extra hair on my face around my upper lip, jaw, and chin area, a few dark coarse hairs on my chin and neck. I didn't notice this until my brother pointed out the dark hairs. So, I starting plucking them and then I just started using a little electric razor since it grew back so quickly.

Around the same time as this my hair started breaking easily and appeared to be thinning on top along with some hair loss. I've been in denial the last 2 years and again my brother noticed and of course pointed out that it seemed like my hair was thinning and that was really a wake up call for me. Around my hairline there's single hairs barely holding on and it's becoming harder to style my hair so it's not noticeable. It isn't a super huge amount but noticeable enough to me and others.

I hadn't been to a doctor in 7 years until last week. In the past I had a doctor that barely listened or acknowledged my health concerns. My new doctor is super kind and helpful along with all the staff. Among many other health concerns I brought up the facial hair and hairless were on my list of discussion in which he said sounded like symptoms of PCOS. He referred me to a gynecologist which I go to in 2 weeks.

I've never even been to a gynecologist or had a pap smear as my old doctor always said since I wasn't sexually active I didn't need. I'm still not sexually active but I'd like to start birth control, I thought it might help with my hormones.

I should've started my period 3 weeks ago. I'm always very regular so it's very odd to me, the longest I ever skip is 5-7 days and that's very rare. Still waiting to start my period this month.

I've heard of PCOS before but didn't know much about it and then a YouTuber I watch made a video recently about her having PCOS and I realized I had very similar symptoms. I'm wondering if all this is just coincidence and a combination of other health concerns or not. I do have dermatitis (eczema) on my scalp as well so maybe that could be the cause or at least a contribution to my hair loss. I'm not sure what to think anymore.

Sorry for the long winded spiel. Wondering if anyone had a similar experience being diagnosed with PCOS? Any suggestions and support is helpful. Thank you.