Hate how I sound when I moan

I know it’s sounds so stupid but I really do hate how I sound!

Even while I’m doing something and feel like I truly want to let out a moan, I do, then regret it almost immediately because I cringe at how I sound. So then I just don’t make any sound at all and hold it all in because if I don’t do that, then I can’t get over what I sound like and it honestly kills my mood.

Like I’m super like high pitched and nasally(?) sounding and it honestly sounds like I’m faking the moan or something. I HATE IT!

And I already don’t like how my voice sounds just regularly, so maybe it stems from that and why I don’t like how I sound when I moan?

I really have no idea.

And I’ve never heard of anyone else having this kind of issue before.(if I can even call it a issue)