Rainbow baby


I am exactly 12 weeks as of this past Thursday. I can’t explain to you all how over the moon excited I am. Seen the Material fetal meds doctor yesterday. I have a rare & sever congenital heart defect called Tetrallogy Of Fallot. My heart doesn’t function how it is supposed to. I have really bad back flow regurgitation (the blood doesn’t get pumped all the way through it comes back) with a list of other thing wrong. But any way the baby doctor didn’t find anything wrong with the babies heart yesterday but we still have many appointments yet. Our peanut was super active during the ultrasound yesterday, he or she was moving all around, and kicking. My Fiancé and I can’t wait. We have been hoping and praying for our miracle baby. Here he or she is ❤️😭🤰🏼🤱🏼