Could it be Eptopic pregnancy?

So I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks (today I would be 6) I had to pee really frequently and I felt off so I took a test a day before my missed period it came back with a faint positve so I waited a couple days and took another one and it was darker waited 2 more days and the line was super dark But i had some brownish red blood on a tissue not much i figured it must be implantation bleeding... Then my partner and I had sex after we did I bled almost similer to a period, no clots though, no pain, it lasted 2 days I took a test the morning after I stoped bleeding and the pregnacy test was darker than before. I went out to the ER because I was super worried due to just having a miscarriage on February and they did blood work my hcg came back to 75 at 4 weeks pregnant they did a transvaginal and nothing showed up they said I'm probley too early to tell anything but they were concerned it's an ectopic pregnancy so asked me to come back 2 days later, i did and my levels were 220 they said it's good it went up but it didn't go up as they hoped it would. Its may 2ed im 6 weeks today and my OBGYN is making me wait till the 12th to get my hcg retested im super scared ive had 2 miscarriages after I had my son via csection. Has anyone experienced anything similer bleeding and

low hcg? was it an ectopic pregnancy? Did you go on to have a healthy pregnancy? Are my hcg levels okay? Im just so scared that im going to lose the baby again so just looking for advice from people who've gone through something similer. My line got even darker than the stick in the photo but I heard thats not reliable.