Speech delay?


It's been a LONG time since I've posted but I'm lost here.

My son is 18 months old. He says momma/momma, daddy/dada, yeah and mmhmm. Well he used too. Now he occasionally says yeah amd only calls momma when he's really distressed. Otherwise he's a babble machine. But we know he understands us. Responds correctly to simple sentences: go to daddy, no, can I have that, put that away, etc. He's climbing and doing well elsewhere.

But because he doesn't talk, the doctor wants to do and Early Intervention Evaluation. Just to make sure the delay isn't caused by anything. If I remember correctly, she said his response communication is great but his expression is behind. I was fine with this but my husband is furious saying the Dr are trying to force our son to conform or something like that. I explained in a way, yes they are, there are milestones for a reason. Missing them could be a sign of something. There might not be anything wrong, but what if? I do worry about the delay. We do word activities with them and he does great handing us what we ask for, and understands, but doesn't speak. Tips? Am I doing something wrong? Help please...