Dilated at 31 weeks, help


Have any of you had simmilar situation? How did it go? I have BH contractions but not too often and not painfull. I stayed at the hospital for 2 days but they sent me home and didnt say anything! Im not currently in my hometown so I cant see my doctor for 10 days at least and im so scared to know that I dont have my mucus plug anymore and that I am 1.5 cm dilated and the doctor at the hospital could literally touch babys head when checking my cervix.

Have you been in a simmiliar situation? Did you lay down 24/7 , were you allowed for a short slow walk? Any advice is welcomed , im scared to death..

i had 3miscarriages in a row, a blood clotting disorder, and this is my rainbow baby i cant lose it 🥺