Exercise Recommendations


So I was doing barre/rebounding (trampoline) exercises before I got pregnant, had to stop for a few months due to almost constant fatigue and nausea. Now I’m in my 2nd trimester and feeling better I’ve been thinking about starting up barre workouts again. I guess my only concern is that I have actually lost weight (around 12 lbs since I found out at 4wks) and have been trying to put on at least a little weight (I think 1 lb a week is what I read is recommended on another app). So as much as I want to get back into doing barre workouts a little bit, I’d like to know what other moms-to-be have been doing/what everyone would recommend.

Side note: my OB has only expressed a small amount of concern over my weight-loss, once I explained that I haven’t been purposely trying to loose weight, and that it just happened due to nausea (plenty of water intake though 👍🏻) she understood and reassured me that my appetite would come back, along with some weight.