Sour grapes?

A year ago I met this man online and after a few months I fell completely in love with him. I knew he was the one for me and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. I wanted to marry him and have kids with him for some issues things didn’t go further. I still miss him after a year, tried hard to forget him. Spoke to other men, focused at work, spent time doing other things but no matter what I always find myself to think of him. NO MATTER WHAT! it’s crazy. Also, he was a foreigner so now I just get super uncomfortable when I hear his country’s name. It breaks my heart that we couldn’t be together. I respected his culture and his country still do but I also can’t stand it when it’s mentioned since it’s associated with his memory. Is any of this I’m saying normal? I love him more than he will ever know and I did t know it’s possible to love someone’s the way I do.