Bicornuate uterus

Kate 🌻 • Pcos, bicornuate uterus, Noel👼🏻(12/24/19) Ethan(10/23/21) 🌈💙👶🏻🧸 Noah(06/20/24) 🍯🩵👶🏻🐣

Hi so I have a bicornuate uterus and I’m 14 weeks with my rainbow,, yesterday I bleed and had a baseball sized clot come out,,

I’m wondering maybe it’s the other side of my uterus that shed it’s lining cuz it doesn’t realize I’m pregnant,,

I’m still bleeding and baby is okay and my cervix is closed.. with my angel baby I had pprom at 17 weeks so I’m terrified especially since I wasn’t able to see my baby since the hospital didnt let me see the screen to make sure he was ok.

Did any of u bleed like this cuz of your heart shaped uterus and still had a successful delivery?