Introducing a potty?

Morgan • 👼🏼👶🏻

I definitely don’t think my girl is ready to be *fully* potty trained but she already has shown some signs of potty readiness. She’s started telling us as soon as she uses the bathroom and will try to wipe her own butt through her diaper if we don’t change her fast enough. She seems to show lots of interest when her dad and I use the restroom and will try to wipe our butts as well (sorry if thats tmi hahaha). She just turned 17 months. should I try introducing her to a small potty and just see what happens/get her used to it for when she is fully ready? or is that a terrible idea and am I doing it too soon? Lol I’m a ftm and a little clueless when it comes to anything regarding potty training 😅