Fearless child

Jennifer • 💗👶🏻October 9, 2019💗 || 💙👶🏻July 27, 2021💙

We have quickly realized that we have a very confident, assertive, and fearless little girl on our hands. We took her to a farm over the weekend and she had no problem sticking her whole head in the pens of horses, cows, donkeys, etc. She even tried to hug a large turkey. She ran up to every animal as if she has known them her entire life even though this was the first time she saw these types of animals up close. She also has zero fear of dogs, which is concerning to me.

Daycare called me today to alert me that she bit two kids today in order to get some toys. During the conversation, the director said that she is super confident and does not shy away from any situation. She is ready for anything and loves making new friends with literally everyone she meets. They even said the biting was her being assertive and she uses it as a way to demand what she wants. They told us that she is very smart as well, so we will have our hands full with her.

Anyone else have a fearless, overly confident child? I feel like there is a fine line that needs to be walked to give her the space she needs to explore, but also keep her safe and foster positive behavior. Any tips that you can share to navigate this type of personality? Also, my nerves are shot already! 🤯