Annoyed with my Christian boyfriend who is a church minster

So my boyfriend recently got ordained as a minster for the Christian church. We’ve been dating for 6 months and we are more or less on the same page spiritually, emotionally and mentally, however, sometimes his views can become frustrating to me.

For example, he brought be croccs (shoes), so I decided to customise them with these stickers and 2 of them said “black girl magic”, which is a movement recognising black woman and they’re excellence.

Initially I didn’t think anything of it but when I showed him he said “they’re nice but I don’t like the magic”. So I said “well it’s a movement”, which he responded “magic is magic to me babe”. I just said “I don’t have anything to say to that”, I’m which he responded “okay good, leave it as that”.

He knows I’m strong about my faith and yes, we don’t do that stuff but sometimes his beliefs or whatever you want to call them ruin something as simple as a customisation on my shoe. Just wanted to rant cos he gets on my nerves with this approach of his sometimes. Let your girl live. At the end of the day God knows my heart, so I will continue to wear them. I don’t the sticker will invite demons or whatever the hell he thinks will happen by me wearing them. Absolutely ridiculous 🙄