Getting out of a toxic and possibly abusive relationship...

So today me and my boyfriend got into an argument. It started by him saying he was going to the carnival this weekend and I later found out he was going to Cedar point instead. Anyway long story short I confronted him about it and he got really upset and told me leave (we live with his dad) I said ok and started getting ready to leave and he then went to blocking the door way so I couldn’t leave, pushing me when I tried to get around him, screaming in face and then taking and later on breaking my phone. I grew up in a very toxic household and what happened today reminded me exactly of what would happen as a child. I’ve talked to my friends and they all believe I should leave before things gets worse. He didn’t hit me but did throw me around. Right now I have no car and haven’t saved up any money at all because I spend most of it getting back and fourth to work. I’m out of co tact with my family because of the toxicity as wells so I currently have no money, no car, and no where else to go if I were to leave. It’s just been one toxic thing after another and I can name other times. What should I do? Should I stay?