Pregnancy after stillbirth


My husband and I have been trying for months to get pregnant after a heartbreaking loss. This morning I am two days late on my period, and took these! So I went in to get my blood work done and it was positive. But the HCG level was only 42.3.

My period was 15 days late last month but eventually it came and there was no reason for why it was so late (negative blood tests) so my ovulation was hard to track and on the day it was suppose to be, I tested and it was negative. So I have no idea when I could have ovulated. Technically according to my last period I am 5 weeks, but the doctor said with that HCG level I must be earlier. Would earlier still show after expected period?

Has anyone had HCG that low at 5 weeks and had a healthy growing baby?

I go in Sunday to give more blood to see if it’s doubled. My last pregnancy I was 7 days late and my hcg came to be 96.

Maybe I just have low hcg levels during pregnancy?

Thank you in advance! ❤️❤️❤️