8w 2d today and this happens..

Chels • Parker Ella born 07/23/23 💕 Oaklie Elizabeth born 12/31/21 💕 Happily Married 5/22/2020 💍

Had a scare this morning! Out of no where I started bleeding. No cramping or anything.

I’ve had 2 MC in the last year so anything like this terrifies me. And there was blood in the toilet so I called the doctor ASAP. Thank goodness they got me in! I had a transvaginal ultrasound. Baby measured 8w 5d (3 days ahead) with a HR of 168.

Side note: I had my first appt last week at 7w 2d and HR was 137. Crazy how fast it changes.

They also did a pelvic exam to make sure I didn’t have any hematomas. Luckily all looked normal. Bleeding is kind of a mystery.

Sharing for those who have had random bleeding in the first trimester. Doctor said it’s completely normal. (But so terrifying). They said when in doubt, call them to check. It’s always worth getting seen to make sure!