I don't care anymore?


Ok ladies I am seething here so the guy I've been talking to for 10 years and have tried ending it yeah well...

So I got a new iPod it has imessage so I'm thinking ok I can text him on that if anything happens to my phone, for some reason it wasn't sending so I thought ok get a texting app.

So i do and use his area code so him not knowing its me im like let me play it like I found his number in an old phone just to mess with him you know normal boyfriend girlfriend stuff...

Last night I drop the let's get to know each other a bit better and I ask if he has another half (being me) he referred to me as just someone he's been talking to for the future I point out that's kind of like stringing me along he sees it as not and just kind of blew it off.

Then he says how I'm ignoring him and how I don't seem like I care anymore........

I am tryinf to get my GED so yes I take classes I then have homework im trying to get my Lerner's permit so I can learn to drive so yes im studying for that like a mad woman I'm also trying to find a job so I can save some money to go see him which is more than he's done in 10 years and I also have to help my grandfather who I live with.

His idea of caring is sexting him sending him pictures and videos all day everyday I mention this to him how it makes me feel used but he blows it off

I'm about ready to put him in the ground.

What gets me is he is always working been that way for years his mom and stepdad both get disability but everyone knows you don't always get alot so he does odd jobs and is a dishwasher all his money goes to the house which has always caused it to be at times he doesn't text me because I knew g is situation I would just go about my day.

He would then text me at the end of the day to destress and relax... With sexting and pictures but beside the point I never said he didn't care when he wasn't texting me so why the roles reversed do I not care