Dating for the first time in two years - advice ?


I came to Italy almost two years ago for my boyfriend at the time but we broke up several months ago and now I’m stepping into dating again while I’m still living here.

So, I went on a date with this guy and he was actually a lot cuter in person and i felt a lot of physical attraction (not easy for me). It was a normal date, he asked a lot about me, which was nice. We touched on the topic of both of us not being really good texters and at the end of the date he made a comment insinuating seeing me again. We didn’t kiss and he wasn’t very flirty. I left giving him my number as before we were only using an app.

He is an awful texter... I thought I was bad but this man takes days to respond. At first I thought he didn’t like me but we made plans for a second date and this weekend we met up for it. The week before that though .. we had exchanged less then 30 messages though.

So the date was really good, we talked a lot again and his personality came through. He is hard to read so I didn’t know how much he liked me but he did kiss me at the end but a PECK. Ya girl wanted a make out session but ok .. beggars can’t be choosers I guess. He again, mentions seeing me next weekend and we jokingly flirt a little bit and then I leave. Again, he doesn’t text me for like two days and now we are here. I need advice.

Now, I don’t go blowing up his phone.. I simply just message him whenever he responds to my messages.. even it’s two days later. Im trying not to be too eager and he also mentioned working a lot (he loves his job) and then after work he plays a Sport for a few hours. So I don’t think he is hiding a gf or anything. I think it’s normal here for guys to take things slower but maybe he was also nervous and that’s why he didn’t kiss me more ?

My question is, should I take his shitty texting as sort of a red flag, like if he doesn’t text me or call me now and we only see each other on the weekends, how would that work in the future in a potential relationship ? Or should I play it cool for a few more dates and see if he gets better at texting the more he gets closer to me?

I don’t want to bring up his bad texting yet because I think it might scare him away... ahh I need advice 😂