std? infection? allergy? :/

Okay so my boyfriend and i recently started having sex about two months ago, (i was a virgin, and he had been with one person once about 2 years ago) & we’ve had unprotected & protected sex before, and no problems but on sunday i began to have like a sort of discomfort around my vaginal entrance.

I would mainly feel it when i like flexed the area if that makes sense. but no visible changes so over the last few days i’d been monitoring my discharge or like anything of the sort to see if i had a uti, yeast infection, etc. and nothing.

Although i usually use baby wipes after i use the restroom, and recently i bought a new brand/scent so i assumed i threw off my ph or was reacting to that so i stopped using it and since then my irritation has relaxed a bit.

BUT today my boyfriend told me he had a slight red rash on the tip of his penis?

We did recently try a new brand of condoms but hadn’t had a problem w the ones prior and he assumed latex allergy.

i’m concerned bc it’s both of us who have like a sort of irritation down there, should i be worried or?