Struggling to stay hopeful


I went back and forth about posting this, because I don't want anyone else to doubt their own pregnancy, as these posts can often do.

But I just don't have anyone else to talk to bc I haven't told any friends or family about my pregnancy.

I had a small amount of light pink and brown spotting a few hours the waiting game is just driving me insane already 😣

I recently went through a mmc at 9 weeks in Feb. I had spotting at 6 weeks one time, and then it stopped. I went to my OB at 8.5 weeks and found out the baby died at 7 weeks, a week after the spotting incident.

I am currently 7w5d, so right in the timeframe it happened last time. My hope and optimism has just sunk 💔 I just don't know where to place my feelings.

My hcg was so much higher this time and I tested positive early at 9dpo, I thought these were good signs it would be a sticky bean.

I know I'm not for sure out yet, I just hate now being in this torturous waiting period. It's Friday and my doctor won't be in until Monday, and even then I dont think she will send me for an u/s earlier...

I just wanted to vent because I hate this. I what to cry, but I also want to hold on to hope.