Low sex drive?

So my boyfriend came home lastnight around 11pm and I was fast asleep. He woke me up when he came in and he greets me and smiles and proceeds to try to pull my panties down to give me head. Here’s the thing, when I’m tired, I’m tired lol. I really don’t be in the mood for sex. Sooo I laugh and pull my panties back up. Apparently he made another move on me in the middle of the night that I didn’t pick up on, and I just rolled the other way. So today he’s all sad saying that he feels like I don’t want him sexually. And he’s been kinda saying this over the last two weeks, so I know it’s not just this incident. Truthfully, I haven’t been making moves this month at all. I know I could do better. But I just don’t be in the mood lately *sad face*. And I’m afraid to tell him that because it’s not his fault. And it kinda makes me feel lame for admitting it. Has anyone one else had these issues?