when don’t opposites attract

My boyfriend and i are so unlike in so many ways. I know in some ways it doesn’t matter but in other ways we bother each other. Like he’s so soft and I’m so hard. Like he’s the type of person where if he’s driving and someone cuts him off he’ll just get upset but be like whatever and I’m the type of person to give them the finger. Or if a customer is rude to him at work he’ll be like “okay” and I’m the type to get snarky (but not too snarky i wouldn’t like get myself fired). With other people it doesn’t matter but for instance with each other that’s when it becomes a problem. I get annoyed with him being too much of a flower and he gets annoyed with me being too sarcastic. I’m not opposed to him being nice but sometimes I’m just like dude you’re 22 years old speak your mind stand up for yourself and if you want something say it instead of beating around the bush. I’m not recommending he start being rude or anything but like damn don’t be such a doormat

I’ve never had a boyfriend before so i wouldn’t know is that something that could negatively impact our relationship